OSS® 5G & LTE Tools — Download Free 30 Day Trial

To download a trial copy of our software, please complete the form below, carefully read the license agreement and then click on
"I accept" to fully accept the terms of the license.

Asterisked(*) fields are required. The email address you provide will be used to send you instructions on how to download the product and license key file. Therefore please check the accuracy of the information you provide.

(Step 1) Selected Product and Platform

You have selected the following product and platform for your trial download. If you want to change this, please go back using the Back button and select a different product and platform combination from the orange tabbed interface:

Selected Product:

OSS NAS/C++ Tools for 5G Release 15.6.0

Selected Platform:

Windows x86 32-bit

(Step 2) Complete the Free Trial Registration Form

Please fill out the form below. All information you provide is for exclusive use by OSS Nokalva.


Mr. Ms. Dr.
  First Name*           Last Name*

Job Title:*





City*                    State*   Postal Code*



CountryCode*     Area/City Code*   Phone Number*


E-Mail Address:*

The email address you provide will be used to send you instructions on how to download the product and license key file. Therefore please check the accuracy of the information you provide.

Website Address:

Describe other LTE ASN.1 protocols that you are interested in:

Please check the languages you have an interest in:

(Step 3) Please read the license agreement before deciding to continue:



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